Tuesday, October 16, 2012

6 Weight Loss Tips for Healthier Living

There is a lot of overweight people in our society now days and it's basically caused by two factors. They are: bigger portions and less exercise. When you eat more and exercise less, weight is going to form. Many people don't go on "diets" because it is hard and eating is so fun. If losing weight was easy, then everyone would be slim.

While shedding the weight isn’t easy, there are some techniques you can try to make it a little less painful. So, let’s discuss some tips on how to lose weight and keep it off.

1. Get a Exercise Partner

Studies have shown that people who have a partner lose more weight. That makes since because if you have an off day, you have someone to talk to and get you back on track. Also, it is better to have a exercise partner to make the time go by faster. If you go for a walk, you two can get caught up on the latest gossip or trade recipes and time will go by faster. This is great weight loss motivation to keep you two or group going to achieve your overall goal.

2. Still Eat Your Favorite Foods

Never starve yourself to lose weight. Not only will this lead to binge eating it will slow your metabolism and that is the complete opposite of what you want to do. While many people do this and lose weight, they almost never keep it off.

Keep your favorite foods in your diet, even if it is junk food, but control your portions. Eating smaller portions is the big key in getting and staying slim. It is okay to have a slice of cake a few times a week to control your sweet tooth, but keep it a small piece.

3. Eat More Frequently

To boost your metabolism, it helps to eat more frequently. Eating several times a day, doesn’t mean eating several meals, but small snacks in-between meals. If you work at an office building, keep some 100 calorie snacks at your desk. This will not only keep your metabolism going, but keep you satisfied between your bigger means.

4. Keeping a Journal

Keeping track of what you eat helps some people. After keeping track for a few weeks, you can go back and see where your problem times are and try to fix them.

5. Using a Phone Application

In today’s technology, keeping track of your calories or exercise performed is extremely easy. There around hundreds of phone apps that help you do just that. This makes it easy to keep track of your calories and how many calories you have left.

Some even let you interact with friends and see how they are doing with their weight loss efforts. This not only helps keep you social but can be motivational.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is our body’s time for healing and to get re-energized. If you don’t get enough rest, then you will lack energy and stress can develop. Stress is one of the tough enemies for losing weight. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

There are six helpful tips to get you through your weight loss journey. Shedding off weight isn’t easy, but it is reachable. Don’t give up and when you have a bad day, just get back up and start again. Tomorrow is a different day.

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